Friday, December 5, 2008


Just Write

That’s the advise that she gave me. If you want to write. Just write. Everyday. Don’t matter if you are inspired. Doesn't matter if you even have something to say. Just sit down and write something. If you do that every day. Then you can look back 6 months or even a year from now and see the progress. You are not going to see the progress every day. A watch pot never boils. You are not even gonna see it every other day. You may not even see it for months. You just got to stick with it even if you don’t even like it on some days.

That’s how I feel about exercise. I use to walk or run 3 to 4 miles ~ 4 days a week. I didn’t like it on most days. But I stuck with it. Then one day about 6 months down the line I got on the scale and found that I lost 40 pounds. I never saw it coming. And noticed very little progress from day to day.

So I guess I need to remember that as I search daily for the voice to write as I work on a book. Well actually, the book is working on me☺ Haven’t really started yet buts its seed is planted. Its growing inside and soon I will give birth.

This race is not for the swift. So I write.

P.S. The Ethiopian Coptic Cross above is my daughters 4th tattoo. I ended up getting one too. Tell you bout that later...:)